Feb 6, 2012

Bubblr---an interesting tool to present photos

 What is Bubblr?
Bubblr is a tool to creat comic trips using photos from flickr.com. You can use it to produce a presentation of loads of pictures. What's important is that it is completely free and so easy-doing,

How it works?
It just needs three simple steps.
1. type in the key words to search the pictures you may need

2. select the photo from the photo wall and drag it to the middle. For example, here I have already added three photos which are taken from Shanghai.
3. add words to illustrate your photes by simply dragging and dropping the bubbles, then press publish!

How can Bubblr help language learning?
Students can easily use this website to express their opions or demonstrate those pictures in English. And with this interesting activity, students can produce their own PPT and give an English presentation about it.

What are the limitations?
  • right-preserved photos are not accessible from Bubblr, so you may not find enough photos you need to support your presentation
  • the search tool is not well designed since the user cannot choose the way to search, for example, search by when the photo was taken or the type of the photo, etc.
  • only photos cann be added but not videos or recordings
  • There is no control of the content which can be published or not. In such circumstance, content of limited value can also be posted.
  • The bubbles can not be edited flexible, like changing the font or color of the words

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